Monday 19 April 2021

Fashion Revolution Week

Fashion Revolution Week is the time when we come together as a global community to create a better fashion industry. It centers around the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1138 people and injured many more on 24 April 2013. 

This year, as it makes 8 years since the tragedy, Fashion Revolution Week will focus on the interconnectedness of human rights and the rights of nature. Our campaigns will amplify unheard voices across the fashion supply chain and harness the creativity of our community to explore innovative and interconnected solutions.

This year, Fashion Revolution falls on 19-25 April

Human rights and the rights of nature are interconnected and interdependent; we are part of the wider living world and our right to a healthy environment depends on the health of our planet. The human exploitation and ecosystem degradation we see all around us today are the product of centuries of colonialism and globalized exploitation.

- They stern from a western-focused worldview in which human and environmental prosperity is seen as isolated and disconnected from each other.

- They stern from a fashion industry that reinforces inequality and devalues the voices of minority groups, people of colour, women, and non-western perspectives.

- They stern from a fashion industry that operates opaquely and continues to sidestep responsibility.

We cannot continue to extract dwindling resources from an already stressed natural world, pollute our land and our oceans, fall far short of climate change targets and dump our waste on the shoulders of countries we have culturally depleted. Nor can we continue to allow big businesses to profit whilst supply chain workers struggle to live in dignity.

We need brands to change their relationship with each other, replacing competition with collaboration to solve the major challenges facing the fashion industry.

We need a shift in the relationship between brands and suppliers, so that the rights of people and the rights of nature hold more of the power, wherever decisions are being made. 

We need a fashion revolution!

Get involved:

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